Resource Library

Important Contact Information
Be prepared and save these emergency helpline numbers to your phone or write them down on a piece of paper that you can always keep with you.
24hr Counselling & GBV Helpline
Community Intervention Centre (CIC)
Call: 082 821 3447
LifeLine’s Domestic Violence Helpline
Call: 0800 150 150
Telephone counselling & referrals for
survivors of abuse.
Call: 021 761 7585 (08:30 – 16:00)
Rape Crisis
24-hour support including how to access
Thuthuzela Care Centres for medical and
forensic assistance to rape survivors.
- Afrikaans: 021 633 9229
- isiXhosa: 021 361 9085
- English: 021 447 9762
- WhatsApp: 083 222 5164
Saartjie Baartman Centre (CT)
Shelter for abused woman and childern
Call: 021 633 5287
Frida Hartley Centre (JHB)
Shelter for destitute women and children
Call: 011 648 6005
Amcare (JHB)
Shelter & Gender-based Violence support
Call: 011 869 5856
Triangle Project
Specific support to LGBTQI community
including referrals to shelters. Triangle
offers a call back service.
General: 066 076 8845
Counselling: 021 422 0255
Helpline: 021 712 6699 (13:00 – 21:00)
Our Partners & Sponsors

Get in Touch. Get Involved.
We advocate for women, children and men by providing services such as community Outreach, Psychosocial support an access to justice to dismantle systems that favor men over women.