About Callas Foundation

We advocate for women, childrenΒ and men by providing services suchΒ as community outreach,Β psychosocial support and access toΒ justice, in order to dismantleΒ systems that favour men overΒ women.

While the main target constituency of the Callas foundation is women, the organisation acknowledges the importance of working in an integrated approach.

Callas FoundationΒ responds to a range of challenges faced in communities. In this respect, Programs are focused on creating sustainable communities, providing prevention and response of services to victims of gender-based violence, and strengthening food security.

In addition, it believes that the strengthening of the family is paramount in addressing Gender Based Violence.Β 

Access to Justice

For many survivors of Gender Based Violence, navigating the criminal justice system can be intimidating. Callas Foundation assist survivors and families to navigate the criminal justice system by ensuring that they are aware of their rights. This way survivors and families gain a better understanding of not only the processes but also how the process affects them as survivors and secondary survivors of Gender Based Violence.

  • Court Support
  • Legal Advise & referral

Psychosocial Support

Psychosocial support addresses a person’s emotional, social, mental and spiritual needs- all essential in promoting wellbeing. Callas Foundation understands the importance of psychosocial support for survivors of Gender Based-Violence not only for persons who have escaped or survived Gender Based Violence, but also for persons are still victims of Gender Based Violence.

    • Counselling
    • Support Groups
    • Assessment & referral

Community Outreach

Our commitment extends beyond immediate relief.
With a variety of outreach initiatives, including our commendable community kitchen program, we provide essential resources to 700 individuals four times a week. This endeavour, powered by our dedicated team and benevolent sponsors, aims to uplift and empower the mostΒ vulnerable.

Training GBV Ambassadors & First Responders

  • Tackling systemic barriers that obstruct women's access to justice.
  • Nurturing a group of women and men as frontline GBV responders.
  • Strengthening referral networks to bridge gaps in support services for survivors.
  • Providing intensive five-day training sessions for frontline GBV responders.
  • Developing and optimizing referral pathways, strengthening survivors paths to justice.

Boys Programme (BBB – Building Bonding Beyond)

The program empowers boys aged 11 to 16 from Cape Flats by equipping them with skils to resist harmful influences like gangsterism, substance abuse and violence. It promotes peaceful conflict resolution, challenges negative stereotypes about masculinity, and encourages respectΒ forΒ genders.

Helping in our way

Community Outreach

Callas is foundation runs support group for women who seek reprieve from domestic violence as well as substance abuse. The foundation assists women in seeking shelter services and also provides a human survivors of sexual and domestic violence with support. This work has played an instrumental role in highlighting the impact of GBV on the lives of a woman and how often GBV leads to woman’s involvement in crime in one way or another. At least two women in a support group of 12 of facing criminal charges as a direct result of GBV.Β 

Caroline also provide support services to families of victims affected domestic violence as well as to the families of women who have died as a result of femicide.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the hours of operation for our organization?

Callas Foundation is open from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM

How can individuals benefit from our services?

Our services help individuals navigate the legal system, receive emotional support during court proceedings, and gain access to counseling services. Additionally, our community kitchens provide nourishing meals for those facing food insecurity.

What is Gender Based Violence

GBV is violence directed against a person because of that person's gender or violence that affects persons of a particular gender disproportionately.

Violence against women is understood as a violation of human rights and a form of discrimination against women and shall mean all acts of gender-based violence that result in, or are likely to result in

  • physical harm,
  • sexual harm,
  • psychological,
  • or economic harm
  • or suffering to women.

It can include violence against women, domestic violence against women, men or children living in the same domestic unit. Although women and girls are the main victims of GBV, it also causes severe harm to families and communities.

What to do if you or somebody you know has been raped?

First Response:Β Your goal is to stay alive and get to a safe place as soon as possible!

Contact a friend or family member:Β The first person you tell about the rape is called the β€œfirst witness”. This person may need to make a statement to the police about your condition and, if possible, should accompany you to the hospital or police station.

What not to do:Β Do not wash yourself or throw away your clothes, no matter how much you want to. There might be hair, blood or semen on your body or clothes that can be used as evidence of the rape. Put your clothes in a paper bag.

If you were drunk or stoned at the time of the rape: Don’t let that stop you from reporting the matter and getting medical treatment – being intoxicated is not a crime, rape is!

Try and remember:Β Provide as many details as you can of the incident to the person helping you. This may serve as useful evidence.

Dealing with the police:Β Initially, only a brief statement is required from you. Make sure you read over the statement before signing it. You can provide a more detailed statement later. Ask for a copy of your statement. If you fear retribution or intimidation from the rapist/s, make sure the police are aware of this and ask that the rapist not be allowed out on bail, or apply for a protection order.

At the police station you have the RIGHT to:

  • Make your statement in a private room
  • Make your statement to a female officer (if there is one)
  • Make your statement in your own language
  • Have a friend or family member with you for support

Ask for a copy of your statement (you are entitled to by law), write down the name of the investigating officer, case number and the phone number for the police station so you can call to check progress of your case. Remember, you are not alone!

Read more or download your toolkit : 10 things to do if you or somebody you know has been raped.Β 

Information by:Β RapeCrises.org

Get in Touch


072 539 5113



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Gallery & Videos

South African GBV statistics in Context

We have witnessed the courageous stories of women and children who have survived gender-based violence in the past three years. Unfortunately, the rate of Femicide has increased by 117% in South Africa, prompting women to rally behind hashtags like #EnoughisEnough, #AmINext, and #SpeakOut.

We commend these brave women and young women who have shared their stories, inspiring and supporting others who have carried the burden of trauma for years. This surge in trauma and vulnerability has led both women and men to seek support and assistance in dealing with unresolved trauma.

While there are various organizations and helplines available to offer support, individuals often struggle to find the information they need or simply need someone to talk to in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Feeling unsafe in public places has become a common experience for many.

Our country carries a heavy burden of trauma, stemming from historical events like apartheid as well as current living conditions. The prevalence of violence has reached alarming levels, resembling an epidemic. Professional services alone cannot solve these issues or provide enough help to those affected by violence and trauma.

To restore safety in communities, individuals must become safe persons themselves, first by understanding their own triggers and responding appropriately without causing harm. Once individuals can create safety within themselves and their own families, they can extend that safety to others. This transformation will enable communities to become empowered and break free from the “war zone” mentality characterized by survival mode and trauma responses.

Our organization aims to foster safe spaces within communities and empower individuals to become agents of change.
Together, we can build resilient communities where everyone feels secure and supported.


Women murdered between 2021/2022 according to (SSA)

Rapes occurred between October & December of 2021 (SSA)


Females experiences physical violence by a Partner. (SSA)

An average of kidnappings are reported per month (SSA)

News & Updates

Allen donates bicycles to Flats anti-GBV group

A Bridgetown community project aimed at assisting young boys to fight gender based violence received a boost this week thanks to a donation of bicycles by Community Safety MEC Reagen Allen. The Triple B project started by the Callas Foundation sees 35 boys from...

GBVF national council welcomed, but calls for its effectiveness in tackling scourge

The 2022 bill emanates from the National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) produced by the interim steering committee established in April 2019. Picture: Leon Lestrade / Independent Newspapers Cape Town - Anti-gender based violence and...

Men learn about gender-based violence

The only people who can put a stop to gender-based violence are men – the same people who are mostly the perpetrators. So says Farouk Hansen, a member of the Heideveld Neighbourhood Watch who attended a three-day work on gender-based violence (GBV). Mr Hansen was part...

Latest Crime Statistics in South Africa

Latest Crime Statistics Update for South Africa 🚨 The recently presented quarterly crime statistics report to the parliament's portfolio committee on police has unveiled some alarming trends for the period between 1 January and 31 March 2023. It is with deep concern...

Challenging The Laws Which Serve To Silence Victims Of Sexual Violence And Their Supporters

The Women’s Legal Centre challenges the constitutionality of certain provisions of the Criminal Procedure Act which places a prohibition on the publication of any information relating to persons accused of sexual offences before the accused has pleaded to the charges.

Our Christmas Wishlist

Callas Foundation is having a Christmas Charity Campaign this year, helping to raise funds to treat the elders of the community to a hearty meal and donate 100 grocery hampers to those in need.
Christmas is a time for giving, and we want to do our part in making sure that everyone who needs it has a
Merry Christmas.

Donation Appeal

Callas Foundation is having a Christmas Charity Campaign this year, helping to raise funds to treat the elders of the community to a hearty meal and donate 100 grocery hampers to those in need.Christmas is a time for giving, and we want to do our part in making sure...

Presidential Summit on GBVF – Caroline Peters Speech on ENCA

I have been given the honour and privilege to introduce our guest speaker today. Our speaker has and still fills many roles. Besides the traditional roles of wife, mother, grandmother, aunt and friend, she is also an athlete, counsellor, public speaker, social justice...

Happy Birthday Caroline Peters, Founder of Callas Foundation

Today Callas Foundation wishes Caroline Peters, the Founder of Callas Foundation, a HAPPY BIRTHDAY πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‰ May you continue to see the beauty in this world and continue to be the goal driven, powerhouse of light for everyone. You illuminate every space you enter. You are...

GBV Ambassadors, First Responder Training | Piketberg

Congratulations to everyone in Piketberg and the greater Bergriver area for participating and successfully completing The GBV Ambassadors First Responders Training, which was hosted from 19-21 September 2022 and 4 - 5 October 2022. A huge thank you to Jeremy Maarman...

Our Partners & Sponsors

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

We advocate for women, children and men by providing services such as community Outreach, Psychosocial support an access to justice to dismantle systems that favor men over women.


32 Kiewiet Road, Bridgetown, Athlone, 7764


Call Us: 072 539 5113



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